Monday, January 15, 2018

Why Mobile Users Continue To Choose Android Over The iPhone

Image result for android and iphone

At its launch, the iPhone was astoundingly popular. This is despite the fact that it was an AT&T exclusive. For years, news programs would broadcast the thousands of people camping out in lines just to get the latest iPhone iteration. Yet, when Verizon launched the Motorola Droid, their marketing strategy was designed to focus on the things the Droid could do that the iPhone couldn’t. Soon, it became iPhone vs. Android.
Any phone that could take over the iPhone’s popularity would have to be stellar. Today, Android is no longer directly going after iPhone business. The reason is Android has developed its own remarkable platform with a loyal following.
In addition, all major carriers offer both phones. Today’s advertising is focused on which is the better carrier. In the past, the iPhone was also considered a status symbol where the Android was considered a cheaper, less feature-filled option.
Today, many carriers offer payment plans for the iPhone and there are many upscale Androids to choose from if you like. Nonetheless, the Android is more popular due to its many versions and affordable options worldwide.
Androids Can be Rooted
This comes with some risks, but at least you have control. Many Android owners enjoy the fact that this phone uses non-proprietary software formats. So, many Android users root their phones. Moreover, you can download Android apps from Amazon, Google and other Android app stores. As a result, you have a lot of choice and selection. Consumers enjoy that when it comes to selecting a phone to make their lives easier.
Removable Parts
The Android is often customizable. You can easily swap out the batteries. This means you can buy several Android batteries and interchange them without any issues. With the iPhone, you have no choice but to use the stock battery. If you notice the phone isn’t charging like it used to, then it can be very expensive to replace. The same is true of memory cards and USB flash drives. You can easily add a memory card or USB flash drive to your Android device.
You can live your life through your phone
Today’s mobile devices are like mini-computers. In terms of searches, games and shopping, mobile has taken over the desktop. This is good news if you want to have a portable life, and live anywhere comfortably. According to an article from Outdoorsy, Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh lives in an Airstream RV community he built in downtown Las Vegas. Without advances in mobile technology, it would be difficult to stay connected within that type of community. Yet, now, you can live where and how you please without missing a beat.
All sorts of devices
With the Android OS, there is something for everyone. The variety alone leaves the iPhone in the dust. You can get a smaller phone or a large phablet with a stylus and rotating camera. With regard to specs, there are many flagship devices that are cutting edge. The same is true for the Android tablet market.
No one likes to be locked into just one type of static phone, consumers want choices. You could get a new Android phone every few months if you wanted. Manufacturers such as HTC, LG, Huawei, ZTE, Sony and others produce new versions every few months. It is refreshing to not have to wait very long for a newer and more advanced version.
The Android platform was built for everyone. That’s probably why it’s the most popular phone today's time.

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